Vision Inspiration
When listening to music I tend to see little story visions in my head naturally, this is when I start to write things down and start thinking of ways to capture those dreams. I have always connected with music on a deep level and use it in my everyday life to either feel happy, sad, inspired, busy, etc. In hopes of starting this project I wanted people to be able to to connect on multiple different levels instead of just looking at a "cool photo". Music I believe has an impact on most people, connecting it with memories of good times and even bad times. With this song "Colors" by: Ava Maybee I wanted the viewers to feel confident in their own skins, to show others that people come and go in your life, and if someone doesn't want to be with you or around you that it's their loss. Hope you enjoy!
Shooting Video
I usually don't shoot a ton of video but with this project I wanted to challenge myself to do so. Video seems to be a whole different ball field away from Photography. The process of recording was pretty simple instructing my model to do candid fun actions, telling her to be dramatic at some points to capture some emotions. For the first time attempting to create an inspired music video I'd say it is pretty good! Click link to Enjoy it.
The Setup:
Props & Outfit
I wanted the scene to be filled with colors in a dead area for a sense of new life, so I got about 20 balloons that I could stake into the ground. The song is super fun but also conveys a sense of "not caring" about an ex boyfriend. With that being said I told my model to throw together a loud colorful outfit to stand out in this dead looking area.
As a civilian of Ohio there are so many areas that look grey and gross in the months of January (and year round). There is a small hiking trail near me that I go often to just walk around and sometimes shoot. I knew exactly where to capture these photos with tall straight trees with minimal clutter on the ground. Wanted to get a sense of depth in the photos so where we shot was perfect with an open area.
Modeling & Shooting
With this shoot I wanted to convey some "airiness" and "playful" this meaning throwing her hair around, walking kicking her legs up, etc. Having shot with this model multiple times in the past it was easy to be comfortable and genuine instructing her. When shooting I tend to use the rule of thirds a lot in my images. Positioning her center frame or right at the bottom of my frame. Attempting to capture pops of color with the balloons behind her to have her blend with the outfit.